Permissions for meta sites & apps


Needed permissions: owner or manage

If you’re going to use meta sites & apps in your team, you’ll need to assign permissions to users or groups. Permissions for meta sites/apps are independent from permissions for sites/apps, so you need to set them separately.

In this article, we’ll describe permission types and explain how to grant them to users or groups.

Types of permissions

In short, each meta site/app has four types of permissions:

  • Manage: The user can see meta site/app settings; assign permissions to users; edit and publish tags, triggers and variables. But they can’t add a new meta site/app.
  • Edit: The user can add and edit tags, triggers and variables as well as see and manage all meta site/app reports. But they can’t publish changes.
  • View: The user can see all meta site/app reports, tags, triggers and variables.
  • No access: The user can’t see any of the above.

For more details, see this section.

Note: A user with the role of owner has access to everything and doesn’t need to have permissions granted.

Grant meta site/app permissions to users or groups

To assign meta site/app permissions to users or groups, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Menu > Administration.
  2. Navigate to Meta sites & apps.
  3. Select the meta site & app to which you want to grant permissions.
  4. Click Permissions and pick: Users or Groups.
  5. Select the access level for the user or group.
    Meta site/app permissions in Piwik PRO


    • Users with the role of owner are not listed. They have unlimited access to all meta sites/apps.
    • You can grant users owner access in Menu > Administration > Users > Profile > Owner access.

Compare meta site/app permissions

If you need to dig deeper into types of permissions by module, check out the tables below.


User action Owner Manage Edit View No access
Add or delete a meta site/app
Add a site or app to the meta site/app
View meta site/app settings
Edit the meta site/app name, time zone and currency
View and assign permissions to users
View group permissions
Assign permissions to groups


User action Owner Manage Edit View No access
View a dashboard
Add, edit, copy, delete a dashboard
View all reports
Add, edit, copy, delete custom reports
Customize a standard report
Export a report
View segments
Add, edit, delete segments

Tag Manager

User action Owner Manage Edit View No access
Discard changes
View tags, triggers and variables
Add, edit, delete tags, triggers and variables

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