Guides & support » Reports » Add a custom attribution model

Add a custom attribution model

Needed permissions: owner, manage, edit & publish or edit

In Piwik PRO, you can use and compare the following attribution models: last click, position based, first click, last non-direct click, time decay and linear. However, if they don’t give you the results you’re looking for, you can add a custom model.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add and use such a custom model.

Before you start

Before you start, we’ll walk you through baseline models that serve as the foundation for creating custom models. Here’s a list of these models:

Baseline model Description Settings
Last click 100% credit goes to the last touchpoint You can set touchpoint filters
Position based The first and last touchpoints get 40% credit each, and the remaining 20% is distributed evenly across the middle touchpoints You can change credit distribution, link credit to user engagement and set touchpoint filters
First click 100% credit goes to the first touchpoint You can set touchpoint filters
Time decay The touchpoint closest in time to a sale or conversion receives most of the credit You can set a half-life period, link credit to user engagement and set touchpoint filters
Linear Each touchpoint in a conversion path receives an equal credit share of the sale or conversion You can link credit to user engagement and set touchpoint filters

Add a custom model

To add a custom model, follow these steps:

1. Go to Menu > Analytics.

2. Navigate to Settings.

3. On the left, click Custom attribution models.

4. Click Add a custom model.

Custom attribution models in Piwik PRO

5. Name the model and select a baseline model. Example: Position based.

Custom attribution model in Piwik PRO

Note: A baseline model is the foundation for creating your own model. Each baseline type gives you different options to customize the model.

6. In Visibility, choose: Author or All usersAll users lets you share this dashboard with your teammates.

Custom attribution model in Piwik PRO

7. (Optional) Check All sites & apps to make this model visible across all sites and apps.

Custom attribution model in Piwik PRO

8. Set up your model. For example, in a position-based model, distribute 100% of the credit between interactions to weight them based on their importance.

Custom attribution models in Piwik PRO

9. (Optional) In Link credit to user engagement, you can correlate credit distribution with user engagement. The engagement can be based on:

  • Session time
  • Page views in session.
Custom attribution models in Piwik PRO

Note: This option is available in the following models: position based, time decay and linear.

10. (Optional) In Use additional credit rules, set additional conditions.

Custom attribution models in Piwik PRO

Note: The credit will increase by a selected factor. For example, if you set the factor to 10, the credit will be multiplied by 10.

11. When you’re done, click Save.

12. Well done! Your new model is now on the list of custom models and can be used in the attribution report and custom attribution report. Keep reading to learn where to find these reports.

Custom attribution models in Piwik PRO

Use a custom model in the attribution report

To use a custom model in the attribution report, follow these steps:

1. Go to Menu > Analytics.

2. Navigate to Reports.

3. On the left, click Attribution.

4. Navigate to Model comparison tool.

5. Click on the model picker and choose your custom model from the list.

Custom attribution models in Piwik PRO

Note: Custom attribution models are also avaliable in custom reports in Analytics > Custom reports > Attribution.

6. Done! You can now compare your custom model with other models.

Custom attribution models in Piwik PRO

Edit, copy and delete a custom model

To edit, copy or delete a custom model, follow these steps:

1. Go to Menu > Analytics.

2. Navigate to Settings.

3. On the left, click Custom attribution models.

4. Pick the model you want to work with.

5. On the right, click the  three-dot icon.

Custom attribution models in Piwik PRO

6. Click Edit, Copy or Delete.

7. Follow the steps on the screen.

8. All set!