Export a report

Needed permissions: owner, manage, edit & publish, edit or view

When you need to use your data in a spreadsheet or another tool, simply export it from a report and import it into your tool. It’s that simple.

To export data from a report, follow these steps:

1. Go to Menu > Analytics.

2. Navigate to Reports or Custom reports.

3. On the left, pick the report you want to work with.

4. Select the date range for your export.

Export a report (dates)

5. Click Export in the upper right corner.

Export a report (click on a button)

6. In certain report types, you have the option to: Export chart data or Export table data.

7. Next, you can select extra export options:

  • Report type: CSV, XML, JSON or JSON (KV)
  • Use column names instead of IDs
  • Export only this level of the nested table (Nested table reports only)
  • Row limit
Export a report in Piwik PRO

Tip: If you want to use the data in a spreadsheet, you can export the report to a CSV or XML file. For more advanced tools, use a JSON or JSON (KV) file format.

8. Click Export.

9. Click Download now once the file is ready.

10. Open the exported file in a spreadsheet — Excel, Google Spreadsheet, Numbers or the like.

Note: For an advanced export, you can use API.