Guides & support » Privacy » What data does Piwik PRO collect?

What data does Piwik PRO collect?

Piwik PRO can collect a lot of data about how visitors use your site or mobile app. This can be data like visited pages or screens, session duration, device type, browser used, operating system, referring site, visitor location and so on. Some of this data may contain personally identifiable information or personal information, and in most countries you have to ask the visitor for permission to collect and use it.

The tables below show all the data that is or may be collected. We’ve marked the data that is or may store personally identifiable information or personal information. The tables are long but contain all the details you need.



Data Visitor’s identity Description
session_custom_dimension_* Maybe

Custom data collected if a custom dimension is set up.

It may contain personally identifiable information or personal information like a visitor’s email address or name.

session_custom_variable_key_* No A custom variable name collected if a custom variable is set up.
session_custom_variable_value_* Maybe

A custom variable value collected if a custom variable is set up.

It may contain personally identifiable information or personal information like a visitor’s email address or name.

session_entry_title No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_entry_url No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_exit_title No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_exit_url No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_goals No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_second_title No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_second_url No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_content_impressions No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_content_interactions No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_custom_events No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_downloads No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_events No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_goal_conversions No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_goal_revenue No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_outlinks No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_page_views No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_site_searches No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_time No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_unique_content_impressions No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_unique_content_interactions No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_unique_custom_events No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_unique_downloads No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_unique_outlinks No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_unique_page_views No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_unique_searches No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
user_id Yes Custom data collected if the user ID is set up. It may contain personally identifiable information or personal information like a customer ID.
visitor_days_since_first_session No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
visitor_days_since_last_session No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
cookie_id Yes A randomly generated identifier for a visitor and stored in a _pk_id cookie (browsers) or mobile app (SDKs). Read more
visitor_id Yes A value taken from the cookie_id or derived from the user_id. It is used to calculate the number of unique visitors and recognize new and returning visitors, but plays no direct role in recognizing the visitor’s session. Read more
visitor_returning No Set when a session is created after checking the visitor’s identity in previously collected data.
visitor_session_number No Set when a session is created after checking the visitor’s identity in previously collected data.
campaign_gclid Maybe Google Click ID, which shows the parameter passed in the URL with Google Ads clicks.


Data Visitor’s identity Description
is_bounce No Assigned to the event after data collection.
content_interaction No Description of the content interaction event.
content_name No Description of the content interaction event.
content_piece No Description of the content interaction event.
content_target No Description of the content interaction event.
custom_event_action No Custom data collected if a custom event is set up.
custom_event_category No Custom data collected if a custom event is set up.
custom_event_name No Custom data collected if a custom event is set up.
custom_event_value No Custom data collected if a custom event is set up.
download_url No Download event description
event_custom_dimension_* Maybe

Custom data collected if a custom dimension is set up.

It may contain personally identifiable information or personal information like a visitor’s email address or name.

event_custom_variable_key_* No A custom variable name collected if a custom variable is set up.
event_custom_variable_value_* Maybe

Custom data collected if a custom variable is set up.

It may contain personally identifiable information or personal information like a visitor’s email address or name.

event_index No The index of a given event in the session’s event sequence. The sequence starts with 0.
event_title No Event description
event_type No Event type like page view, custom event, goal conversion, download, outlink and so on.
event_url No The URL of the page view or the URL of the page view associated with the event.
goal_revenue No Revenue that can optionally be tracked along with the goal.
is_entry No Set after data collection. Determines whether the page view is a session entry.
is_exit No Set after data collection. Determines whether the page view is a session exit.
next_event_title No Set after data collection as an additional dimension.
next_event_url No Set after data collection as an additional dimension.
outlink_url No Captured when a visitor clicks on a link to an external site (different domain).
page_view_index No An iterator of page views within a session. It starts at 0.
previous_event_title No Set during data collection as an additional dimension.
previous_event_url No Set during collecting data as an additional dimension.
search_category No Search event description. Tracked if there is a custom JavaScript implementation.
search_keyword No Search event description. Tracked if there is a custom JavaScript implementation.
search_results_count No Search event description. Tracked if there is a custom JavaScript implementation.
time_on_page No

Time spent on the page, calculated as the difference between the timestamp of the page view and the next page view in the session.

For the last page view in a session, time can be calculated using the optional heartbeat function.

Device & software

Data Visitor’s identity Description
browser_engine Yes Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
browser_language_iso639 Yes Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
browser_name Yes Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
browser_version Yes Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
device_brand Yes Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
device_model Yes Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
device_type Yes Captured from the browser’s user agent HTTP header and browser parameters like resolution.
operating_system Yes Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
operating_system_version Yes Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
plugin_cookie No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_director No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_flash No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_gears No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_java No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_pdf No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_quicktime No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_realplayer No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_silverlight No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
plugin_windowsmedia No Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
resolution Yes Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
resolution_height Yes Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.
resolution_width Yes Captured from the browser using JavaScript methods.


Data Visitor’s identity Description
location_city_geoname_id Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_city_name Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_continent_iso_code Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_country_iso_code Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_country_name Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_ipv4 Yes

The IP address is an integral part of the requests sent by the browser and is used to identify unique visitors and read geolocation.

Most Piwik PRO setups have privacy settings turned on and these addresses are fully or partially anonymized before being stored in the database.

location_ipv6 Yes

The IP address is an integral part of the requests sent by the browser and is used to identify unique visitors and read geolocation.

Most Piwik PRO setups have privacy settings turned on and these addresses are fully or partially anonymized before being stored in the database.

location_latitude Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_longitude Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_organization Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_provider Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_subdivision_1_iso_code Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_subdivision_1_name Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_subdivision_2_iso_code Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_subdivision_2_name Yes Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.


Data Visitor’s identity Description
local_time No Captured from the HTTP request content.
server_date No Captured from the HTTP request content.
server_time No Captured from the HTTP request content.
session_first_event_time No Created or aggregated after data collection as an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_last_event_time No Created or aggregated after data collection as an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
event_time No The timestamp of the event (UTC0).
next_event_time No Set after data collection as an additional dimension.
previous_event_time No Set during data collection as an additional dimension.

Traffic source

Data Visitor’s identity Description
medium No Captured from query parameters.
campaign_content No Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
campaign_id No Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
campaign_keyword No Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
campaign_medium No Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
campaign_name No Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
campaign_source No Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
keyword No Captured from query parameters.
referrer_keyword No Captured from HTTP request referrer field or query parameters.
referrer_name No Captured from HTTP request referrer field or query parameters.
referrer_type No Captured from HTTP request referrer field or query parameters.
referrer_url No Captured from HTTP request referrer field or query parameters.
source No Captured from HTTP request referrer field or query parameters.
source_medium No Captured from HTTP request referrer field or query parameters.


Data Visitor’s identity Description
page_generation_time No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_connect_end No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_connect_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_content_end No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_content_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_dom_complete No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_dom_interactive No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_dom_loading No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_event_end No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_fetch_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_lookup_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_redirect_end No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_redirect_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_request_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_response_end No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_response_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_secure_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_unload_end No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.
timing_unload_start No Timing statistics collected from the visitor’s browser.

Internal data identifiers

Data Visitor’s identity Description
app_id No An ID automatically assigned to each site or app.
app_uuid No An ID automatically assigned to each site or app.
session_id No The ID of the session object in the database.
event_id No The ID of the given event record in the database. Set when creating an event.
goal_id No The ID of the goal set by the user.

Tracking source

Data Visitor’s identity Description
name No

The tracking source name matched with our dictionary.

Possible values: JavaScript Tracking Client, JavaScript Tracking Client using Tag Manager, JavaScript Tracking Client using Google Tag Manager, JavaScript Tracking Client using Tealium, Angular library, React library, Android SDK, iOS SDK, React Native, Flutter, SharePoint, Confluence, WordPress, Google AMP, PHP Tracking Client, Web Log Analytics, Empty, Unknown.

orig_name No The original tracking source name assigned if the name is from outside of our dictionary.
version No Tracking source version


Data Visitor's identity Description
cart_additions No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
cart_removals No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
ecommerce_abandoned_carts No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
lost_revenue No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup. This is the value of the abandoned cart.
order_id Yes

Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup. This is usually the order ID.

The order ID can be used to look up personal information in other systems.

product_brand No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_category No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_category1 No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_category2 No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_category3 No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_category4 No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_category5 No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_count No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_detail_views No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_name No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_price No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_quantity No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_revenue No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_sku No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
product_variant No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
revenue No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
revenue_discount No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
revenue_shipping No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
revenue_subtotal No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
revenue_tax No Ecommerce event tracked if there is additional setup.
session_ecommerce_status No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_abandoned_carts No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_cart_additions No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_cart_removals No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_ecommerce_conversions No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
session_total_product_detail_views No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.
visitor_days_since_order No Created or aggregated after data collection. It is an additional descriptive dimension of the session header.


Attribute id Visitor’s identity Aggregation Description
id Yes n/a The ID of the visitor’s profile.
user_id Yes list_unique Custom data collected if the user ID is set up. It may contain personally identifiable information or personal information like a customer ID.
visitor_id Yes list_unique A value taken from the cookie_id or derived from the user_id. It is used to calculate the number of unique visitors and recognize new and returning visitors, but plays no direct role in recognizing the visitor’s session. Read more
cookie_id Yes list_unique A randomly generated identifier for a visitor and stored in a _pk_id cookie (browsers) or mobile app (SDKs). Read more
first_activity No min Time of the visitor’s first event.
last_activity No max Time of the visitor’s last event.
last_order_time No max Time of the visitor’s last order.
first_page_url No first The URL of the page view or the URL of the page view associated with the first event.
last_page_url No last The URL of the page view or the URL of the page view associated with the last event.
goal_uuids No list_unique The ID of the goal set by the user.
total_goal_revenue No sum Revenue that can optionally be tracked along with the goal.
total_revenue No sum Ecommerce event tracked if there is an additional setup.
consent_type_analytics No last Captured when a visitor consents (or doesn’t consent) to Analytics.
consent_type_ab_testing_personalization No last Captured when a visitor consents (or doesn’t consent) to A/B testing and Personalization.
consent_type_conversion_tracking No last Captured when a visitor consents (or doesn’t consent) to Conversion tracking.
consent_type_marketing_automation No last Captured when a visitor consents (or doesn’t consent) to Marketing automation.
consent_type_remarketing No last Captured when a visitor consents (or doesn’t consent) to Remarketing.
consent_type_user_feedback No last Captured when a visitor consents (or doesn’t consent) to User feedback.
consent_type_custom_1 No last Captured when a visitor consents (or doesn’t consent) to custom consent type.
source No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
medium No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
source_medium No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
keyword No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
referrer_type No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
referrer_url No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
campaign_name No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
campaign_id No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
campaign_content No first_last Captured from query parameters that have been assigned optionally.
operating_system No first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
operating_system_version No first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
browser_engine Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
browser_name Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
browser_version Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
browser_language_iso639 Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
device_type Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
device_brand Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
device_model Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
resolution Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
resolution_width Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
resolution_height Yes first_last Captured from the browser’s user-agent HTTP header.
ipv4_address Yes first_last The IP address is an integral part of the requests sent by the browser and is used to identify unique visitors and read geolocation.
Most Piwik PRO setups have privacy settings turned on and these addresses are fully or partially anonymized before being stored in the database.
ipv6_address Yes first_last The IP address is an integral part of the requests sent by the browser and is used to identify unique visitors and read geolocation.
Most Piwik PRO setups have privacy settings turned on and these addresses are fully or partially anonymized before being stored in the database.
location_continent_iso_code Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_country_iso_code Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_subdivision_1_iso_code Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_subdivision_2_iso_code Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_city_geoname_id Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_provider Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_organization Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_latitude Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
location_longitude Yes first_last Estimated based on IP address using GeoIP service.
session_custom_dimension_1 Maybe list_unique Custom data collected if a custom dimension is set up.
It may contain personally identifiable information or personal information like a visitor’s email address or name.
