How can I set up reporting for page scrolls?


Avaliable from 16.17.0

Needed permissions: owner, manage, edit & publish or edit

Note: For versions below 16.17.0, use a manual scroll tracking method.

Piwik PRO automatically tracks page scrolls and records scroll data as custom events. To check how far your visitors are scrolling on a particular page, you just need to set up a custom report.

To set up page scroll reporting, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Menu > Analytics.
  2. Navigate to Custom reports.
  3. Click Add a report.
  4. Choose the following report type: Table.
  5. Name your report. Example: Page scrolls.
  6. In Visibility, choose Author or All usersAll users lets you share this report with your teammates.
  7. Set the following conditions:
    • Nested dimensions: Page URL and Custom event action
    • Metric: Custom events and Unique custom events
    • Filter dimensions: Custom event category is built-in page scroll
  8. Click Save.
  9. All done! All done! You can now click on a page URL to see how far visitors scroll down that page.
    Page scroll report in Piwik PRO

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