Guides & support » Questions » How does my tracking, reporting and tag management differ after I upgrade to +18.0.0?

How does my tracking, reporting and tag management differ after I upgrade to +18.0.0?

When you upgrade from Piwik PRO 15.7.8 to the latest version (+18.0.0), you’ll notice several changes in tracking, reporting and tag management. These updates bring numerous improvements, but it might take some time for you to get used to the new way things work.

In this article, we’ll go over the main differences that you’ll encounter.


Here’s a list of the tracking differences you’ll notice.

Feature 15.7.8 +18.0.0
Location data when an IP address is fully masked By default, all location data (city, country and so on) are sourced from an IP address before it's masked. You can choose to source location data (city, country and so on) from an IP address before it's masked.
User ID The tracker merges sessions with the same user ID.

The tracker merges sessions with the same user ID, but splits sessions when the user ID changes.

This only applies to the same visitor’s device as we do not support cross-device tracking.

Ecommerce item validation

The price can use a comma as a decimal point. Example: “123,45”

The quantity can be a string. Example: “2”.

The price can be a number or string. It can only use a dot as a decimal point. Example: 123.45 or “123.45”.

The quantity can be a number. Example: 2.

Goal conversion If you track goals, you can use both percent-decoded and percent-encoded patterns in definitions and the tracker will check for each version. If you track goals, you have to use the exact version of the pattern in definitions as the tracker will check the exact pattern.

Note: When you’re moving to version +18.0.0, just make sure your function parameters in the source code have the right types. 

In newer versions, our tracker only accepts valid types to prevent errors. For example, in the old versions you could use booleans as strings, but in the new version using such boolean values causes errors. These errors are reported as broken events in Analytics.

So, double-check your tracking function parameters, use the right types and include all the ones that are necessary.


Here are some differences you’ll see in reporting.

Feature 15.7.8 +18.0.0
Session entry and exit event A page view or an internal search can be a session entry or exit event. Only page views can be a session entry or exit events.
Session duration A session has no time limit, but cannot go past midnight. A visitor who starts browsing at 11:30 PM and ends at 12:30 AM will generate two sessions.

By default, a session is limited to 12 hours. It can start before midnight, continue through it, and won't be split into two sessions.

Note: We'll soon introduce the possibility to set a custom session duration.

Tracker HTTP response code When the tracking request doesn't contain the send_image=1 parameter, the HTTP response code for a successful request is 200. When the tracking request doesn't contain the send_image=1 parameter, the HTTP response code for a successful request is 202.
Location guessing based on browser language The tracker will guess the location based on the browser language if it can't get it from the IP address. No location guessing.

Tag Manager

Here are several differences you’ll come across in Tag Manager.

Feature 15.7.8 +18.0.0
Scroll tracking Available only as custom setup. Automatic and enabled by default. Read more
SPA tracking Available only as custom setup. Automatic and enabled by default. Read more
Audience Manager form tracker tag Available

Not available

Note: Read more about Audience Manager sunset

Audiences in triggers based on Audience Manager Available

Not available

Note: Read more about Audience Manager sunset

Default tracking domains in the tracking tag (Piwik PRO)

Note: This only applies to users who have a custom setup.

Tracking addresses based on main domain:

  • main_domain/ppms.js
  • main_domain/ppms.php

By default, the main domain has the value:

Tracking addresses based on templates:

  • static_domain_template/ppms.js
  • dynamic_domain_template/ppms.php

Definition of templates:

  • static_domain_template: {{ organization }}
  • dynamic_domain_template: {{ organization }}

Static domain: reserved for serving statics as assets, script and the like.

Dynamic domain: reserved for tracking.

Note: You can have a look at all the changes in our changelog.

Note: Discover the main features you will see after migrating to version +18.0.0.