Guides & support » Questions » Can I use network domain and service provider dimensions in Piwik PRO?

Can I use network domain and service provider dimensions in Piwik PRO?

Piwik PRO collects data about the visitor’s internet provider and the type of organization they belong to. This data is often used to detect bot traffic and spam. It is also used by large companies to filter internal traffic from reports.

Here are the names and definitions of the dimensions that represent this data in Piwik PRO:

  • Provider: The name of the visitor’s internet service provider.
  • Organization: The name of the visitor’s organization, such as a business, educational or governmental unit. The organization is a company to which the internet service provider has sublet the IP address range. When an organization is not identified, this dimension contains the name of the internet service provider instead of the name of the business.

Note: The organization name is available to approximately 40% of corporate, government and educational networks.

Where to find provider and organization details

To view provider and organization data, follow these steps:

1. Go to Menu > Analytics.

2. Navigate to Reports.

3. On the left, click Location.

4. Select the following section: ISP or Organization.

Location report in Piwik PRO

Note: If you see No data for the provider or organization dimension, it’s likely that the visitor’s IP address is masked. This typically occurs when one of these options is turned on:

  • Administration > Sites & apps > Privacy > IP masking > Mask IP addresses (on)
  • Administration > Settings > Privacy > IP masking > Mask IP addresses (on)
  • Administration > Sites & apps > Privacy > Ask visitors for consent (on) > Collect anonymous data from non-consenting visitors (on)

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