Download report

The download report displays the links that visitors click to download files from your site. This data helps you understand which files people choose to download, whether it’s a captivating white paper, an informative case study or a helpful PDF guide.

To view the report, follow these steps:

1. Go to Menu > Analytics.

2. Navigate to Reports.

3. On the left, click Downloads.

4. Done! You can now view your report.

Download report in Piwik PRO

5. (Optional) If you want to see two dimensions in a single view, click + and choose a dimension.

Download report in Piwik PRO

Metrics in the report

The table below describes the metrics you’ll find in your download report.

Metric name Description
Unique downloads The number of unique clicks on links to downloadable files. If a visitor clicks on the same link multiple times during a session, it is counted only once.
Downloads The number of clicks on links to downloadable files.

Note: You can customize this report, apply segments to it, export it to a CSV, XML, JSON or JSON (KV) file format or share it with your teammates.

Tracked file formats

Piwik PRO tracks over seventy popular file formats. Here’s a full list of these formats:

7z, aac, apk, arc, arj, asf, asx, avi, azw3, bin, bz, bz2, csv, deb, dmg, doc, docx, epub, exe, flv, gif, gz, gzip, hqx, ibooks, jar, jpg, jpeg, js, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mobi, mov, movie, msi, msp, odb, odf, odg, ods, odt, ogg, ogv, pdf, phps, png, ppt, pptx, qt, qtm, ra, ram, rar, rpm, sea, sit, tar, tbz, tbz2, tgz, torrent, txt, wav, wma, wmv, wpd, xls, xlsx, xml, z, zip.