Content performance report


Video tutorial: watch on YouTube

The content performance report shows how many times people viewed and interacted with different parts of your site, like banners, popups and contextual ads. To collect data for this report, you need to set up content tracking. Here’s what you need to do:

  • To track popups set with a popup tag and contextual ads set with a custom content tag, turn on content tracking in Menu > Tag Manager > Piwik PRO tag (tracking code) > Interactions with popups and content.
  • To track any other element, turn on content tracking in Menu > Tag Manager > Piwik PRO tag (tracking code) > Interactions with popups and content and tag your element in your site’s code. For more, see content tracking setup.

In the content performance report, you’ll find two sections that correspond to the labels you assign when setting content tracking:

  • Content name: The name of the tracked content block. You define this when setting up content tracking.
  • Content piece: The piece of the tracked content block, such as a creative, banner or video. You define this when setting up content tracking

To view the content performance report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Menu > Analytics.
  2. Navigate to Reports.
  3. On the left, click Content performance.
  4. All done! You can now view your report.
    Content performance report in Piwik PRO
  5. (Optional) Click a section name to view a specific section of this report.
    Content performance report in Piwik PRO
  6. (Optional) If you come across a nested dimension in the report, simply click on the dimension to explore more detailed data.
    Content performance report in Piwik PRO
  7. (Optional) If you want to see two dimensions in a single view, click + and choose a dimension.
    Content performance report in Piwik PRO

Metrics in the report

The table below describes the metrics you’ll find in your content performance report.

Metric name Description
Content impressions The number of content impressions delivered.
Unique content impressions The number of unique content impressions delivered.
Content interactions The number of visitor interactions with a content block, such as clicking on an item in a content block.
Unique content interactions The number of unique visitor interactions with a content block. Each unique combination of content name, piece and target is counted once per session.
Content interaction rate The percentage of visitors who interacted with the displayed content. Content interaction rate = Content interactions / Content impressions * 100%

Note: You can customize this report, apply segments to it, export it to a CSV, XML, JSON or JSON (KV) file format or share it with your teammates.

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