How do I set up Piwik PRO after using Google Universal Analytics (GA3) and Google Tag Manager?

When you’re switching from Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3) and Google Tag Manager to Piwik PRO, it may take a while before you set up your new account and get familiar with all available features. Most features in Piwik PRO are similar to Google’s tools, but some are different. In this article, we want to explain similarities and differences.


Quick start

If you want to quickly start with Piwik PRO, follow these steps:

  1. Install our container (with a tracking code) (Manual method, WordPress plugin, Wix site, other methods)
  2. Set up goals.
  3. Integrate with Google Search Console.
  4. Integrate with Google Ads.
  5. Create custom events and custom dimensions.
  6. Use the following settings to set things up:

This is the setup that we recommend but you can skip some of these steps. Now, if you want to dig into the differences between Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3), Google Tag Manager and Piwik PRO, read on.

Tracking code vs. container

In Piwik PRO, Analytics and Tag Manager are integrated – they are part of the whole stack. When you install our container’s code on your site or app, it contains a tracking code for Analytics.

Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3) Google Tag Manager Piwik PRO
Tracking code Container code Container code (with a tracking code)*

* It’s possible to install only a tracking code, but it’s a rare case. Most people want to use Analytics together with Tag Manager and Consent Manager because it gives them more control over their site or app.

For more on how to install Piwik PRO, see these articles:

Property vs. site or app

There’s a difference in the account structure between Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3) and Piwik PRO. You have one account in Piwik PRO under an account address like In each account, you create sites or apps where you collect data. You can also create a meta site or app, that’ll let you combine data and use a meta setup in Tag Manager (coming in September 2022). A meta site or app is similar to roll-up reporting in Google Analytics.

Property structure and settings

Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3) Piwik PRO Read more
Property Admin > Property Sites & apps Administration > Sites & apps Read more
Default URL Admin > Property > Property Settings > Default URL Site or app address Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Site or app address Read more
Search Console Admin > Property > Property Settings > Search Console Google Search Console Analytics > Settings > Integrations > Google Search Console Read more
Google Ads Links Admin > Property > Google Ads Links Google Ads Analytics > Settings > Integrations > Google Ads Read more
Property access management Admin > Property > Property access management Permissions or Owner access

Administration > Sites & apps > Permissions

Administration> Users > Owner access

Read more
Tracking Code Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Tracking Code Installation

Administration > Sites & apps > Installation

Note: In Piwik PRO, you install a container with a tracking code. This lets you use Tag Manager, Analytics and Consent Manager.

Read more
User ID Admin > Property > Tracking Info > User ID Set a user ID Tag Manager > Tags > Piwik PRO (tracking code) > Set a user ID Read more
Session Settings Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Session Settings


Note: In Piwik PRO, the session duration is set to 30 minutes and can’t be customized.

There’s also no Campaign Timeout. But you can use attribution models to achieve a similar effect.

Referral Exclusion List Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Referral Exclusion List


Note: Referral exclusion is usually used to exclude payment gateways. In Piwik PRO by default, if a visitor returns to the site within the session window (30 minutes), the session will be continued under the original referrer.

You can also choose to start a new session when the referrer or campaign changes:

  • Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Start a new session when the campaign changes
  • Administration > Global sites & apps > Data collection > Start a new session when the campaign changes
  • Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Start a new session when the referrer changes
  • Administration > Global sites & apps > Data collection > Start a new session when the referrer changes

Note: Global settings override individual settings.

Property Change History Admin > Property > Property Change History Audit log Menu > Administration > Settings > Audit log Read more
Custom Dimensions Admin > Property > Custom Definitions > Custom Dimensions Custom dimensions Analytics > Settings > Custom dimensions Read more
Custom Metrics Admin > Property > Custom Definitions > Custom Metrics


Note: We plan to release custom metrics in the future.

View vs. site or app

In Piwik PRO, we don’t have a view level similar to Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3). Our product design is a bit different. You just have a site or app with settings, segments, custom reports and the like. But if you look around, you’ll see that you can set up features similar to Google Analytics.

View structure and settings

Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3) Piwik PRO Read more
Time zone country or territory Admin > View > View Settings > Time zone country or territory Time zone Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Time zone Read more
Default Page Admin > View > View Settings > Default Page


Note: You can use dimension value grouping to achieve a similar effect.

Exclude URL Query Parameters Admin > View > View Settings > Exclude URL Query Parameters Remove parameters from page URLs

Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection tab > Remove parameters from page URLs

Administration > Settings > Global site & app settings > Data collection > Remove parameters from page URLs

Note: Global settings override individual settings.

Read more
Currency displayed as Admin > View > View Settings > Currency displayed as Currency Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Currency Read more
Bot Filtering Admin > View > View Settings > Bot Filtering Add crawlers

Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Add crawlers

Administration > Settings > Global site & app settings > Add crawlers

Note: Global settings override individual settings.

Read more
Site Search Settings Admin > View > View Settings > Site Search Settings Keywords from your internal search engine

Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Keywords from your internal search engine

Administration > Settings > Global site & app settings > Keywords from your internal search engine

Note: Global settings override individual settings.

Read more
Goals Admin > View > Goals Goals Analytics > Goals Read more
Content Grouping Admin > View > Content Grouping Dimension value grouping

Analytics > Settings > Dimension value grouping

Note: This feature works retroactively. You can group values for data collected in the past.

Read more
Filters Admin > View > Filters

Instead of filters, you can use these features to filter out traffic:

  • Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Collect data only from known sites
  • Administration > Sites & apps > Data collection > Don’t collect data from these IP addresses
  • Analytics > Settings > Dimension value grouping
  • Analytics > Settings > Segments
  • Analytics > Custom reports > Filters
Channel Settings Admin > View > Channel Settings Custom channel grouping Analytics > Settings > Custom channel grouping Read more
Ecommerce Settings Admin > View > Ecommerce Settings Show ecommerce reports Administration > Sites & apps > Reports > Show ecommerce reports Read more
Calculated Metrics Admin > View > Calculated Metrics Calculated metrics Analytics > Settings > Calculated metrics Read more
Segments Admin > View > Segments Segments Analytics > Settings > Segments Read more
Annotations Admin > View > Annotations Notes Analytics > Reports > Notes Read more
Multi-Channel Funnels Settings Admin > View > Multi-Channel Funnels Settings Custom attribution models Analytics > Settings > Custom attribution models Read more
Custom Alerts Admin > View > Custom Alerts Alerts Analytics > Settings > Alerts Read more
Scheduled Emails Admin > View > Scheduled Emails Scheduled reports Analytics > Settings > Scheduled reports Read more
Saved Reports Admin > View > Saved Reports Custom reports

Analytics > Custom reports

Note: Each user with view permissions or higher can create a custom report.

Read more
Share Assets Admin > View > Share Assets


Note: You can set dashboards, segments, custom reports, calculated metrics as visible to all users and visible on all sites and apps.

Privacy settings

Piwik PRO offers a built-in consent management system that lets you collect data and stay compliant with GDPR, CCPA, TDDDG and more. Privacy laws are complex, but we prepared a set of settings that let you quickly configure the product to comply with them. See the following articles to decide which option to use:

  1. Collect data in a privacy-friendly way
  2. How to make your website compliant with GDPR
  3. How to make your website compliant with CCPA
  4. How to make your website compliant with CNIL
  5. How to make your website compliant with TDDDG


Reports in Piwik PRO are quite similar to the ones in Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3). Take a look at this list to find the ones you like the most.

Google Analytics (Universal Analytics / GA3) Piwik PRO Read more
Reports > Realtime Analytics > Settings > Tracker debugger Read more
Reports > Audience > Overview Analytics > Reports > Audience > Audience overview Read more
Reports > Audience > Active Users ––
Reports > Audience > Lifetime Value


Note: You can create a custom report to achieve a similar reporting.

Reports > Audience > Cohort Analysis ––
Reports > Audience > Audiences ––
Reports > Audience > User Explorer

Analytics > Reports > Audience > Session log

Note: You can also create a custom report to compare sessions in a table.

Reports > Audience > Demographics


Note: Piwik PRO doesn’t have access to data from other Google products. You can see only the data you’ve collected or integrated.

Reports > Audience > Interests


Note: Piwik PRO doesn’t have access to data from other Google products. You can see only the data you’ve collected or integrated.

Reports > Audience > Geo

Analytics > Reports > Audience > Locations

Analytics > Reports > Devices & software > Browser language

Read more
Reports > Audience > Behavior Analytics > Reports > Audience > Engagement Read more
Reports > Audience > Technology Analytics > Reports > Audience > Devices & software Read more
Reports > Audience > Mobile Analytics > Reports > Audience > Devices & software Read more
Reports > Audience > Cross Device


Note: Piwik PRO doesn’t have access to data from other Google products. You can see only the data you’ve collected or integrated.

Reports > Audience > Custom > Custom Variable Analytics > Reports > Audience > Custom dimensions Read more
Reports > Audience > Custom > User Defined ––
Reports > Audience > Benchmarking


Note: Piwik PRO doesn’t have access to data from other Google products. You can see only the data you’ve collected or integrated.

Reports > Audience > User Flow Analytics > Custom reports > User flow Read more
–– Analytics > Reports > Audience > Consent Read more
Reports > Acquisition > Overview


Note: You can set up a dashboard to create a similar report.

Reports > Acquisition > All Traffic Analytics > Reports > Acquisition > Channels Read more
Reports > Acquisition > Google Ads Analytics > Reports > Acquisition > Google Ads Read more
Reports > Acquisition > Search Console Analytics > Reports > Acquisition > Google Search Console Read more
Reports > Acquisition > Social

Analytics > Reports > Acquisition > Website & social report

Note: If you miss some types of reports, you can use custom reports and dimension value grouping.

Read more
Reports > Acquisition > Campaigns

Analytics > Reports > Acquisition > Campaigns

Note: In this report, you’ll only see campaigns that you tagged. Google Ads campaigns are in Acquisition > Google Ads. Organic keywords are in Analytics > Reports > Acquisition > Google Search Console.

Read more
Reports > Behavior > Overview


Note: You can set up a dashboard to create a similar report.

Reports > Behavior > Behavior Flow Analytics > Custom reports > User flow Read more
Reports > Behavior > Site Content Analytics > Reports > Behavior > Pages Read more
Reports > Behavior > Site Speed AAnalytics > Reports > Website performance > Page timings Read more
Reports > Behavior > Site Search

Analytics > Reports > Behavior > Internal search

Note: If you miss some types of reports, you can use custom reports and dimension value grouping.

Read more
Reports > Behavior > Events Analytics > Reports > Behavior > Custom event Read more
Reports > Behavior > Publisher ––
Reports > Behavior > Experiments ––
–– Analytics > Reports > Behavior > Outlinks Read more
–– Analytics > Reports > Behavior > Downloads Read more
–– Analytics > Reports > Behavior > Content performance Read more
Reports > Conversions > Goals

Analytics > Goals

Note: You can also create a funnel to see drop-offs.

Read more
Reports > Conversions > Ecommerce

Analytics > Ecommerce

Note: If you miss some types of reports, you can use custom reports and dashboards.

Read more
Reports > Conversions > Multi-Channel Funnels


Note: Some similar reports are in Analytics > Conversion > Attribution.

Attribution Analytics > Conversion > Attribution Read more
–– Analytics > Video analytics > Video flow Read more
–– Analytics > Video analytics > Video overview Read more
–– Analytics > Video analytics > Video engagement Read more
–– Analytics > Video analytics > Video timing Read more
–– Analytics > SharePoint Read more
Customization > Dashboards

Analytics > Dashboards

Note: The only features we don’t have yet are: dashboard gallery and real-time widgets. If you want to add links to reports, you can use our text widget.

Read more

Analytics > Settings > Segments

Note: The only feature we don’t have yet is: visitor/user filters.

Read more

Google Tag Manager vs. Piwik PRO Tag Manager

In Piwik PRO, Tag Manager is an integrated part of the whole stack. After you install our container on your site or app, you can start adding tags, triggers and variables. Tag Manager is also seamlessly integrated with Consent Manager, and you can set consent types for each tag.

Our Tag Manager is quite similar to Google Tag Manager, but there are some differences. Here’s how they are different.


Google Tag Manager (GTM) Piwik PRO Read more
Custom HTML

Custom code (async)

Note: See also our developer documentation to find JS methods that you can apply.

Custom Image Custom content Read more
–– Popup Read more
Piwik PRO
Google Analytics: Universal Analytics

Piwik PRO (tracking code)

Note: This tag is added automatically after you install our container on your site or app. It has some settings that allow you control data collection.

If you want to add Google’s tracking code, use a Google Analytics Tracking tag.

Read more
–– Custom dimension Read more

Custom event

Note: Google’s custom event has: Category, Action, Label and Value. Piwik PRO has Category, Action, Name and Value.

Read more
–– Collecting data from forms Read more
–– Goal conversion Read more
–– Virtual page view Read more
–– YouTube video tracking Read more
–– HTML5 video tracking Read more
–– Heatmap & clickmap Read more
Google Analytics: Universal Analytics Google Analytics Tracking Read more
Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration ––
Google Analytics: GA4 Event ––
Google Ads Conversion tracking Google Ads Conversion tracking Read more
Google Ads Remarketing Google Ads Remarketing Read more
Floodlight Counter Floodlight Counter Read more
Floodlight Sales Floodlight Sales Read more
Conversion linker


Note: You can export goal conversions from Piwik PRO to Google Ads manually.

Google Optimize ––
Google Surveys Website Satisfaction ––
Featured Community CMP Templates


Note: Piwik PRO has a built-in consent management tool. It works right after you install our container on your site or app.

AB TASTY Generic Tag AB Tasty Read more
Adometry ––
AdRoll Smart Pixel AdRoll Pixel Read more
Audience Center 360 ––
AWIN Conversion ––
AWIN Journey ––
Bizrate Insights Buyer Survey Solution ––
Bizrate Insights Site Abandonment Survey Solution ––
comScore Unified Digital Measurement ––
Crazy Egg Crazy Egg Tracking Script Read more
–– Meta Pixel (formerly Facebook Pixel) Read more
–– Bing Universal Event Tracking Read more
Hotjar Tracking Code Hotjar Tracking Code Read more
–– HubSpot Tracking Code Read more
LinkedIn Insights LinkedIn Insights Read more
–– Marketo Munchkin JavaScript Read more
–– Mautic Tracking Code Read more
Pinterest Tag


Note: You can take the Pinterest tag and install it as a custom code (async).

–– Salesforce and Pardot Tracking Code Read more
SearchForce JavaScript Tracking for Conversion Page ––
SearchForce JavaScript Tracking for Landing Page ––
SearchForce Redirection Tracking ––


Google Tag Manager (GTM) Piwik PRO Read more
Page view
Consent Initialization


Note: All tags in Piwik PRO are fired based on visitor’s consent. Consents are collected using our built-in consent management tool.

Initialization ––
Page View Page view > DOM lifecycle event > Page view Read more
DOM Ready Page view > DOM lifecycle event > DOM Ready Read more
Window Loaded Page view > DOM lifecycle event > Page load Read more
All Elements


Note: You can use a CSS selector or XPath as a part of trigger settings.

Read more
Just Clicks ––
User engagement
Element Visibility

Element presence

Note: The ID Selection Method is not available in Piwik PRO.

Read more
Form Submission

Form submission

Note: This trigger fires a tag when the form is submitted successfully. To set this trigger on submission click only, use a click trigger.

Read more
Scroll Depth

Page scroll

Note: Piwik PRO tracks page scrolls automatically. You just need to set up reporting for it.

Read more
YouTube Video


Note: In Piwik PRO, you can track HTML5 videos and YouTube videos automatically.

–– Data layer event Read more
History Change

History change (SPA)

Note: Piwik PRO tracks SPAs automatically.

Read more
JavaScript Error


Note: In Piwik PRO, we collect JavaScript errors by default. They can be turned on or off in Tag Manager > Tags > Piwik PRO (tracking code).

–– Page leave Read more
Timer Timer Read more
Trigger Group


Note: We plan to release such feature soon. For now, you can use trigger conditions to achieve the same goal.

Trigger exceptions


Note: You can use trigger conditions to achieve the same goal.

Additional information
Add Exception ––
Built-in variables

Built-in variables

Note: You can use them as triggers.

Read more
Variables as triggers

Triggers > Add a trigger > Trigger type > Use a variable as a trigger condition

Note: After you create a variable, you can use it as a trigger condition.

Read more

Built-in variables

Google Tag Manager (GTM) Piwik PRO Read more
Page URL Page URL Read more
Page Hostname Page hostname Read more
Referrer Referrer Read more
–– Page path Read more
Event Event Read more
Environment name ––
Container ID ––
Container Version ––
Random Number


Note: You can use a user-defined variable: Random number.

Error Message ––
Error URL ––
Error Line ––
Debug Mode ––
Click Element Click element Read more
Click Class Click classes Read more
Click ID Click ID Read more
Click Target ––
Click URL Click URL Read more
Click Text ––
Form Element ––
Form Classes Form classes Read more
Form ID Form ID Read more
Form Target ––
Form URL Form URL Read more
–– Form name Read more
Form Text ––
New History Fragment History fragment Read more
Old History Fragment Old history fragment Read more
New History State History state Read more
Old History State Old history state Read more
History Source History source Read more
Video provider


Note: In Piwik PRO, you can track HTML5 videos and YouTube videos automatically.

Video Status
Video URL
Video Title
Video Duration
Video Current Time
Video Percent
Video Visible
Scroll Depth Threshold ––
Scroll Depth Units ––
Scroll Direction ––
Percent Visible ––
On-Screen Duration ––

User-defined variables

Google Tag Manager (GTM) Piwik PRO Read more
Variable Configuration
Format value ––
HTTP Referrer ––
URL URL Read more
1st Party Cookie Cookie Read more
Custom JavaScript

Custom JS

Note: Referring to a variable using another variable is not available yet. We plan to release it in the future.

Read more
Data Layer Variable Data layer Read more
JavaScript ––
Auto-Event Variable ––
DOM Element DOM element Read more
Element Visibility


Note: You can use an element presence trigger.

Constant Constant Read more
Custom Event ––
Environment Name ––
Google Analytics Settings ––
Lookup Table

Lookup table

Note: Available from 16.33.0

Read more
Random number

Random number

Note: This variable sets the random value from 0 to 1, including 0 but not 1.

Read more
RegEx Table ––
Undefined Value ––
User-Provided Data ––
Container data
Container ID ––
Container Version Number ––
Debug Mode ––
Additional information
Refer to a variable using another variable

You can use an existing custom or built-in variable inside another variable. When setting up a variable value, use {{ My existing variable }} to refer to the existing variable.

Note: Avaliable from 16.30.0.

Refer to multi-level data layer objects ––


Google Tag Manager (GTM) Piwik PRO Read more
Tag firing priority Settings > Tag priority > Prioritized tags Read more
Enable custom tag firing schedule Tags > Add a tag > Flight dates Read more
Only fire this tag in published containers


Note: You can debug active tags before publishing.

Tag firing options

Triggers > Add a trigger > Multiplicity

Note: You can use this option while setting up a trigger.

Read more
Tag sequencing Settings > Tag priority > Prioritized tags Read more
Additional Tag Metadata ––
Consent Settings (Beta) Tags > Add a tag > Advanced tag settings > Consent type Read more

Preview mode

Google Tag Manager (GTM) Piwik PRO Read more
Preview mode Debug mode Read more
–– Tracker debugger Read more
Other useful tools


Note: You can use it to see requests in the browser. Works best on Firefox.

Read more


Note: You can use it to add Piwik PRO container or just a tracking code to test things out.

Read more


Google Tag Manager (GTM) Piwik PRO Read more
Account ID

Site or app ID

Administration > Sites & apps > The ID is under a site or app name

Read more
Share data anonymously with Google and others


Note: Piwik PRO doesn’t share your data with anyone.

Require 2-step login verification for certain operations


Note: We plan to release it soon.

Account Activity

Tag Manager > Changelog

Note: If you want to see user activity in the whole Piwik PRO see Administration > Settings > Audit log.

Read more
User Management

Administration > Settings > Users

Administration > Settings > Groups

Note: In Piwik PRO, you manage permissions for the entire platform: Administration, Analytics, Tag Manager, Consent Manager.

Read more
Container settings ––
Install Google Tag Manager

Administration > Sites & Apps > Installation

Note: In Piwik PRO, you install a container (with a tracking code). This lets you use the whole stack: Analytics, Tag Manager, Consent Manager.

Read more
Import Container

Tag Manager > Settings > Import > Import settings from another site or app

Note: You can also import a container from a file.

Read more
Export Container

Tag Manager > Changelog > Snapshot > Export settings to file

Note: You can also export or import container settings from a different site or app.

Read more
Approval Queue ––


Note: You can create different environments by using Administration > Sites & apps.

Container Notifications ––

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